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Selectmen's Minutes 2014/09/08
6:30PM Town Meeting Room
Monday, September 8, 2014

Present: Frederick Gallup, Chairman and Suzanne Gottling, Vice-Chairman, Shane Hastings, and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager

Absent: Joshua Trow and Emma Smith

Also Present: See Sign-in Sheet

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 6:30PM.

Motion to approve the following CZC’s:
Parcel ID: 0128-0045-0000 42 Garnet Street Timothy & Judith Zappala
Parcel ID: 0121-0023-0000 63 Fernwood Pt. Rd. Francis Fontaine
Parcel ID: 0110-0001-0000 63 High Ridge Rd Bernard & Rachel Towne
Parcel ID: 0238-0049-0000 105 Penacook Path Dana & Heather Smith
Parcel ID: 0231-0032-0000 64 Pine Ridge Rd. Mark Brunelle
Parcel ID: 0107-0017-0000 37 John Avery Ln. Glenn & Jill Cutting
By Selectman Gottling, seconded Selectman Hastings Unanimous.

•Scott Hazelton came back to present a more detailed Buildings Maintenance Capital Reserve schedule as requested by the Board. The updated plan include the building component and description, condition of building, recommended maintenance schedule, description of maintenance or necessary repair and estimated maintenance cost. Chief Cahill expressed some concern that there were some important components left off the Safety Services Building maintenance plan. There was discussion regarding what was a capital expense, what would go in the operating budget, and what would be a warrant article, which Selectman Gottling thought the Board would need the three components each year at budget time. Scott would meet with the Department Heads to modify their particular building maintenance plans.   
•Scott Hazelton updated the Board on the culvert policy that the town uses in accordance with RSA 236:13 Driveways and Other Accesses to the Public Way, which is the State’s maintenance policy for driveways, culverts, etc., which states that the homeowner is responsible for the installation maintenance and replacement of their culvert pipe. In the past, culverts have been cleaned and replaced by Town employees. Scott Hazelton would like some clear direction from the Board on how to proceed. Should he follow RSA 236:13? Scott Hazelton would like the ability to clean the culverts, if it is because of roadwork or a lack of maintenance done by the Town. The Board agreed that Scott Hazelton should follow RSA 236:13.   

•Mike Durfor, Chairman of the Harbor House Livery introduced Stuart Arnett from Better Future Alliance, who did a presentation on Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the use for the Harbor House Livery building. The suggested use is to design, build and successfully operate as a going-concern a unique place where all aspects of a life with, about and for music can be honed and refreshed; a Music-Life Village. The Music-Life Village will afford opportunities for the artistic, intellectual, sensory education of music, and what it means in our society’s history and life. It offers an economically and environmentally sustainable setting-and business model-to provide a unique range of opportunities to musicians, those learning to be musicians, and those who simply enjoy music. The Music-Life Village was presented as a destination that would include the Riverway properties.
There were some concerns that some of the local music teachers were not asked their opinions of the project. The next step is Stage 2, which would include the following:
Extend option, enlist community leadership and donors, meet community objectives, and continue to define and refine, seek permits, Riverway agreement, fund-raising strategy, foundations, tax credits, and possible operators.
After some discussion, the extension was to include milestones.       
Motion to extend the agreement with Better Future Alliance for two weeks beyond September 16th  to work on the contract extension for another year by Chairman Gallup seconded by Selectman Gottling. Unanimous.  

•Motion to accept the MS5 as presented by Selectman Hasting, seconded by
Selectman Gottling. Unanimous.
•Scott Hazelton gave to the Board to ask for guidance on Caldwell Lane, since in March
the voters defeated the warrant to accept as a class VI town road. Chairman Gallup stated
that  part of the process when accepting an emergency way is a public hearing, so he feels that the residents should be contacted to see if they would like to pursue the emergency lane and if they would the Board would hold a public hearing to voice concerns or comments. Donna Nashawaty will have the whole process for holding a public hearing for the Board at the September 22nd meeting.    
•The Board went over the Library Slideshow
•Motion to approve the use of facilities from Project Sunapee Open House for use of
the Harbor House Livery on the various dates by Selectman Gottling, seconded
by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous.
•The Board accepted the resignation letter from Matt McNally, Recreation Committee and
ask Donna Nashawaty to send a Thank you letter.
•The Board reviewed how they want the Town to vote on the Legislative Policies at the
conference. Motion to appoint the Town Manager as the Town’s delegate by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Gottling. Unanimous.   
•The Board reviewed the Abigail Whiton Brown & Gilroy Brown Trust and set the Public
Hearing to accept the trust. Motion to set a Public Hearing to accept the Abigail Whiton Brown & Gilroy Brown Trust on September 22nd by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Hastings. Unanimous

Claremont Saving Perkins Pond Loan extended to January 31, 2015
•The Board reviewed the August Monthly Summary.
•Ken Meyer, Budget Committee Member, and Water & Sewer Commissioner passed away
this past weekend. The Board asked the Town Manager to send a card to the family.
Meeting adjourned at 10:42PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                

Approved: _____________         

____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman      Suzanne Gottling, Vice Chairman

_________________________               _____________________________
Shane Hastings                          Joshua Trow     
________________________                _____________________________
Emma Smith